For Referring Attorneys in Louisiana
We Invite You to Trust Our Baton Rouge Workers’ Compensation Lawyer
Do you have a workers’ comp matter that you are not comfortable handling in-house? Do you have a client or potential client with a compensation case you wish to refer, or are you currently handling a tort case with a workers’ compensation component? If so, we would like to help.
Choose J. David Smith, Attorney at Law
Since workers’ compensation is a niche practice area, most attorneys cannot justify the resources necessary to efficiently handle one, or only a few comp cases. They do not have the time or inclination to become familiar with the substantive and procedural nuances of practicing within the administrative law system common in workers’ compensation cases.
When you refer your client to our Baton Rouge workers’ comp lawyer, you can be sure their case will be handled by an attorney who has experience with hundreds of similar cases. We work with referring attorneys, keeping them informed about case progress and alerting them to any potential issues that could impact third party claims.
If there is a companion third party case, we work closely with tort counsel in regards to workers’ compensation lien reduction strategies, tort case funding through workers’ comp, Medicare set aside issues, and social security offsets, all of which can be implicated by work comp/tort settlements. Together, we can deliver a better solution to your client, by offering a broader scope of representation, at many times with no out-of-pocket expense to them.
If you would like to discuss a referral or a co-counsel agreement, please feel free to contact J. David Smith, Attorney at Law online or by calling (855) 973-1098.
"No better services could be found in Baton Rouge but J David Smith."No better services could be found in Baton Rouge. Workers Compensation and Disability struggles were overcome because of J David Smith.
- C.D.

What J. David Smith, Attorney at Law Can Do for You
Serves as Bar Examiner for the Louisiana Supreme Court’s Committee on Bar Admissions.
Named as one of the top 100 Injured Workers’ Advocates nationally by WILG.
Trusted by other law firms in our area and we often get referrals from other attorneys.
Handles all communication with your employer and the insurance company right away.